- Syntax needed to create tables in HTML documents.
- Comprend and manage HTML lenguage.
- Comprend the inner workings of an HTML form, learn how to create form and integrate HTML5 validations.
- Write clearer, more accessible HTML using Semantic HTML tags.
- Add styles websites with CSS and how to use selectors to apply styles to specific elements.
- Style individual and groups of elements using various visual CSS rules.
- Box Model to position HTML elements on a web page.
- Choosing and setting CSS colors using a variety of techniques.
- JavaScript data types, built-in methods, and variables.
- If, else if, else, switch, and ternary syntax to control the flow of a program.
- Function syntax, passing data to functions, the return keyword, ES6 arrow functions, and concise body syntax.
- Loops, iterator and objects.
- Basic Git workflow, different ways to undo changes made to a Git project and when to use them.
- Markdown formatting language, used on GitHub and many other platforms.
- Manage GitHub repository when more people start joining your team.
- Github copilot.